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Thesis: Semi-autonomous Arm-body Control of Flexible Steerable Intraluminal Robots in Complex Surgical Procedures

Le 6 septembre 2024
À 14h30
IHU Strasbourg

PhD defense: Fernando Gonzalez Herrera

Team: RDH

Date & time: September 6th, 2024 at 14h30 in Salle Hygie at the ground floor of IHU (1 Pl. de l'Hôpital, 67000 Strasbourg)

Title: Semi-autonomous Arm-body Control of Flexible Steerable Intraluminal Robots in Complex Surgical Procedures


Flexible steerable intraluminal robots have been developed to navigate, inspect and perform complex surgical procedures inside the patient's digestive system, reducing the high incidence and mortality rate of colorectal cancer. Flexible steerable intraluminal robots are typically composed of two arms at the tip of the body, forming a coupled kinematic architecture with up to 10 degrees of freedom. This thesis focuses on the development of robotic assistance to handle the challenges (the coupled architecture and the high number of degrees of freedom) of flexible steerable intraluminal robots in complex surgical environments, reducing the risk of incorrectly performing complex surgical procedures, such as the dissection stage of endoscopic submucosal dissection and the colonoscopy and biopsy case. The surgical tasks are modeled and formulated as objectives and constraints in an optimization-based control framework based on the task-function approach. A validation study with 10 subjects for the dissection case shows a better performance of the surgical task at a time penalty, in comparison with the manual mode in a simulated environment. In the colonoscopy and biopsy case, results show that for a realistic colon model, the surgical task can be performed automatically by coordinated control in a benchtop experiment. Future work should perform in-depth validation of the proposed control approaches for preclinical and clinical transfer.

The jury will be composed of:

  • Edouard Laroche (PU Unistra, appointed by UNISTRA) - Chair of the Examination Committee
  • Joris De Schutter (KUL) - Supervisor KU Leuven
  • Michel de Mathelin (UNISTRA) - Supervisor UNISTRA
  • Gianni Borghesan (KUL) - Co-supervisor
  • Benoit Rosa (UNISTRA) - Assessor
  • Emmanuel Vander Poorten (KUL) - Assessor
  • Alicia Casals (Full Prof Univ. Barcelone) - Additional member
  • Nabil Zemiti (MCF HDR, Univ. Montpellier) - Additional member

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