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ICube-MSII seminar : What xurography can offer to micro/nanofluidics ?

Le 7 juin 2018
À 14h00
Illkirch - Pôle API - A301

Louis Renaud (Institut des Nanotechnologies de Lyon), will give a talk in French, thursday 7th june 2018 at 2:00 PM in room A301 of the pole API building in Illkirch.

Title: What xurography can offer to micro/nanofluidics ?

Abstract: Micro/nanofluidics, wich is a scientific topic our team worked for over 17 years, is dedicated to flow inside channels from nanoscales to microscales. This presentation is specifically about relationship between micro/nanofluidics and the xurography technic, wich consist in cutting sheets of adhesive layers. To begin this talk, a introduction to micro/nanofluidics and a detailled presentation of xurography will be firstly given. In a third part, few examples of applications will be presented, for example : optimization of a 2D/3D microfluidic biofuel cell, etching of geological materials, measurement of water pollution.

Xurography for 3D Microfluidic Biofuel Cell

Xurography for 3D Microfluidic Biofuel Cell

This seminar has been validated by the MSII doctoral school.

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