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Thèse Irfan Asim : "Watershed modelling with regard to socio-ecological objectives : Application to Kunhar River Basin (Pakistan)"

Le 21 septembre 2022
À 14h00

PhD thesis defense entitled "Watershed modelling with regard to socio-ecological objectives: Application to Kunhar River Basin (Pakistan)", conducted in the group Fluid Mechanics , Lab. ICube boussingault Strasbourg.

The defense will be held in salle de séminaire au 4, rue boussingault Strasbourg on 21th of September 2022 at 14:00 hour.


The jury will be composed as follows:


  • Mme PONS Marie Noëlle Directrice de Recherche, CNRS
  • Mr BARRETEAU Olivier Ingénieur en Chef, INRAE


  • Mme GLATRON Sandrine Directrice de Recherche, CNRS
  • Mme CHARPENTIER Isabelle Directrice de Recherche, CNRS

Venue for the post-defense snacks etc.

Room 109, ICube  boussingault Strasbourg



Over half of the non-polar glacial watersheds are found in the Himalayas. They are sources of water for billions of people. Understanding how variations in precipitation and snowmelt affect their lives is of prime interest. This case study focuses the Kunhar river watershed that coincides with the administrative unit named Balakot Tehsil. Experiencing many changes, this constitutes a relevant case study for a long-term socio-ecological research. Social and biophysical components, processes, eco-systemic services and disservices, social and natural events may be monitored through timeseries on population, climate, biodiversity... Conceptual frameworks describing the socio-ecosystem and the watershed response may be then mobilized to evaluate the impact of local practices and external drivers on the socio-ecosystem. These reveal that natural hazards, climate change and hydro-power plants are the key pressures that endanger the socio-ecosystem, including through losses of culture and biodiversity.

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